Can You Be Happy Despite A Busy Schedule?

Are you the type of person who has a hectic schedule to the point that you are starting to miss out on important events or occasions? Do you find it hard to spend time with your loved ones because of your work or business? Is it a struggle to take a day off from everything that keeps you busy? According to psychologists, busy people are productive and efficient in everything they do. However, we cannot deny the fact that their schedule may classify them as top performing individual, but at the same time, it can also be the primary cause of stress and anxiety.


Unfortunately, many people still choose to work too hard even though they are already exhausted or has run out of energy. Because of this, they end up getting sick, and some people also decide to take their own lives. For example, in Japan, the number of stress-related suicide has risen over the past few years. Many Japanese nationals spend most of their times at work even if it means not eating on time or not getting enough sleep at night. Some of these nationals die peacefully in their sleep because of over fatigue while others could no longer take it, which is why they resort to suicide.

In this article, we want to show to everyone that it is still possible to achieve genuine happiness despite your busy or hectic schedule. The primary purpose of this write-up is to encourage all the readers to keep going. We want to remind everyone that you still have a choice on what to feel and how to handle your emotions or thoughts. Make sure to remember these if you want to continue feeling happy even if you have become too busy:


Familiarize Your Schedule

Do not get overwhelmed with all the things that you have to do or the events that you need to attend. Always consider the final result when beginning a task. Have a clear target to hit,” said James Davidson, Ph.D. Take note that you always can control everything that happens in your life. All you must do is to be smart enough in familiarizing your schedule so that it will be easier on your part to become the master of time management. Once you know your day-to-day schedule, you can start to adjust the entries on your calendar. Once this happens, you will begin to become stress-free.

Take A Break If Necessary

Another thing that you must learn how to consider is taking a break from everything that keeps you busy. Find the courage within yourself to take a step back and allow yourself to rest. Take note that just because you have decided to break for a little while does not mean that you are weak. No one should be faulted for wanting to rest for days. Nonetheless, it is crucial on your part to arrange everything at work or in your business before taking off for a quick vacation. As much as possible, conduct a proper turnover of the documents and tasks to avoid any problems while you are gone.


Reward Yourself

There are many entries in your calendar, which is probably the primary reason why you always feel stressed or anxious. By merely looking at these entries, you would probably feel dizzy and want everything to be done. As such, it is best if you will find time to reward yourself whenever you have accomplished something great from your daily schedule. Take note that you deserve to smile and have fun. Reward yourself by going on a shopping spree or getting a makeover. Remember that you deserve good things.


Be Physically Active

Regardless of your workload, be sure to find time to exercise or perform fitness activities. Make exercise an essential part of your routine,” as stated by neuroscientist Alex Korb Ph.D. Always keep in mind that living a healthy lifestyle can do wonders in your mental health. According to science, the human body is capable of releasing dopamine or “happy hormones” once it exercises or engaged in physical activity. For this reason, you will feel happier and become kinder to everyone around you. Do not worry about taking time from your budgeted schedule for the day. All you need is at least thirty minutes to exercise at the gym or the convenience of your own home.


According to Jennice Vilhauer Ph.D., “The reason most people find happiness to be elusive is that they don’t do the things that they need to in order to experience mental wellness.” Do not allow your schedule to cause stress in your life. Instead, use it as a motivator to keep you going.