Habits That Kill Your Motivation As Per Told By A Counselor

It is not unusual to sometimes feel that your motivation towards achieving your objectives and goals is weakening as time goes by. That is normal. At some instances in your life, you will face certain emotionally, physically, and mentally draining challenges. There will come a time that you will feel stuck in the depths of misery and stress, and these cause you the inability to move forward. Various reasons affect your motivation, and each one of them depends on how you accept and react to them. However, there are still those common factors that can easily impact your motivation, and here are quite a few of those.

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Comparing Your Achievements With Others

Comparing your achievements with others is an old case in the book. Everyone knows how damaging this habit is, and it can easily kill your motivation up until the last string. Comparing sidetracks you from doing what you got to do because you will get too attached to other people’s success. Eventually, you will become more insecure and doubtful about your capabilities. Over time, constantly comparing yourself fosters negative feelings such as jealousy, resentments, and discontentment. And when you focus more on these negative emotions, you will eventually lose sight of what’s more important, which is your goal and objectives for success. Thus, do not compare yourself with others because your success still awaits you. Instead, your attention should be intact on the purpose of personal success.

Creating A Shortcut To The Final Goal

Usually, the part that keeps you motivated to achieve your goals involves a lot of processes. When you work on the necessary thing you need to accomplish, you get the best of your hard work and perseverance. Unfortunately, when you create a shortcut towards your final goals and objectives, you deprive yourself of learning. You skip the necessary steps to fast-track everything, which leads to uncertainties and unsatisfactory. Sometimes, you get frustrated and exhausted because you won’t be getting the desired result even if you managed to work in the easiest ways. Of course, that is because you won’t have the proper mental and emotional foundation that can better handle pressure and failure once they occur. To avoid that, you need to go and experience the uncertainties and hardships of the process towards success.

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Not Planning Anything

At times it is okay to feel a little lost with your goals. That explains why even if you think you knew what you have to do, you still do not know where to start. Your motivations can easily fall back when you are not following a plan. Working on things without understanding the process and steps can make the whole journey towards success unreachable. When you only think about the result and not the considerations and sacrifices you need to take, you will eventually stop moving forward. But don’t get disheartened. Not planning on anything does not mean you are not bound for success. However, the journey might become more complicated without it, and the obstacles you set yourself might harm your self-confidence and self-awareness.

Always Desiring To Be Perfect

It is okay to set up a standard of what your objectives and goals should look like. Honestly, it is essential to determine what you want to help you focus and keep you motivated. However, if you are working on your goal to make things perfect, that is the problem. Always desiring to be perfect can ruin your sense of satisfaction because it will only make you think you are wasting time and effort, especially when situations are out of control. Unfortunately, the habit of always looking towards perfection is one of the easiest ways to kill your motivation. That is because the idea of getting something based on an extreme and unrealistic standard can make you expect too much. And when your expectations fail you, you get stressed, anxious, and depressed. With that, you reach a point where you become more determined to move away from your goals instead of getting close to them.

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Getting Distracted All The Time

You know you are not motivated enough to do what you do when you easily get distracted by certain things. For example, you can get distracted by a call from a friend, from a loud noise from the television, and even a single notification sound on your phone. These distractions delay you from moving forward and focusing on what’s important in a day. Sadly, distractions are everywhere, and even the best schedules can fail. However, it does not mean they are entirely unavoidable. You can still look for ways to keep your thoughts from off-putting things from your way. As long as you have that breathing space where you allow yourself to be refreshed from time to time, you can put your distractions in place.


Unhappiness in People: Possible Causes of Unhappiness Unlocked For The First Time

Do you find certain interesting things that can make you feel emotionally and mentally good? What pushes people to be discontented? Because if you don’t clearly recognize the ultimate reasons for joy, that is okay. You are not alone in that situation. All individuals feel the same because finding contentment is such a difficult task for many, especially if you are living your own life. To be content and satisfied with the things in life around doesn’t come naturally to many people living now. There are others who struggle to see the silver lining amid the struggles in life, causing deep pain and sadness. People also feel sad for many reasons, such as loss, heartbreak, financial problems,  divorce, or unfulfilled dreams. In this article, let’s tackle these and learn the best way to overcome your sadness.

How to beat unhappiness?
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What Are the Possible Causes Of Unhappiness For Becoming An Unhappy Person?

The pursuit of happiness is a life-long struggle, and it takes time to achieve. Everyone finds it hard to identify the one thing that makes their lives complete specifically. Some of them are not sure how feeling unhappy affects them.

Yes, you may yearn for more money, a career with full of success, a stable relationship, and a strong friendship. You might want to enjoy life and eat all the food you like, get your dream job, relax your mind and body, etc. To find a person’s happiness represents your effort for overall peace and emotional fulfillment.

However, you need to realize that the journey towards that is quite exhausting, and often you need to overcome frustration, low self-esteem, negative feelings, and negative patterns such as bad habits, insecurity, regret, and loneliness.

But how can you know if you are unhappy or your mood is miserable? What are the Causes of Being Unhappy? Can you modify behavioral habits to be happy?

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Reasons For Being Not Happy

Top 1: Holding Grudges Against Other People

Happiness is a choice, and one thing that can stop you from getting it is by holding a grudge against more people. When you struggle to forgive and forget a mistake that even the ones you love committed, you will get stuck in a loop of emotional instability. You will end up upset and frustrated with many things, even complaining about the small ones that are entirely not that big of a deal.

Top #2: Not Forgiving Those Who Have Wronged You

The inability to forgive can bring you so much anger that it will linger in your heart. It will make you more vindictive towards other people, bitter about the achievements of others, and unhappy with the world. That emotional stuck will fixate you on a negative experience, making you unhappy. It will hinder you from letting go, moving on, and healing from it.

Top #3: Forgetting To Be Grateful

You can ask yourself now. When was the last moment you felt thankful for the things that you have? Ungratefulness can be bad for your overall well-being as it builds up a negative approach to things that can make you feel unhappy.

It makes you unappreciative of simple pleasures in life, such as getting a good night’s enough sleep, visiting a beautiful place, eating a delicious meal, reaching your goal to lose weight, and spending too much time with your loved ones.

When you are ungrateful, you opt to take things for granted and will never feel guilty about it. You will not see how fun life is, and you will never feel lucky that you get to have things that others can’t obtain until they die at some point in your life.

More Thought About Your Unhappiness

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At some point, it is genuinely okay to compare your behavioral patterns to others, especially if you are looking through the difference in a positive way from your day-to-day life. If other day-to-day human beings turn out to be admirable, that is okay. You can always look up to that and use the positive qualities of that individual as your set goal.

Therefore, stop comparing as it only builds up more stress and disrupts your work-life balance as a part of life. This type of feeling can bring so many cognitive patterns of insecurities, self-doubt, and inferiority. And when there are constant social comparisons, it makes you dwell on unhappy mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and chronic loneliness.

Therefore, stop comparing as it only builds up more stress and disrupts your life balance. Do not feel worse about the things you can’t control. Focus on positive things that improve your emotional well-being. Improve happiness by taking a step back away from negative people and avoiding spending time with them.

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Causes Of Unhappiness: You Worry About Everything

It makes sense that one huge causes of unhappiness in work life is worry. It makes you think of the unthinkable. For example, you worry too much about what other people think about you, leading to self-doubt and insecurities.

It is the same as you worry about what might go wrong in your day, which causes you a great deal of emotional distress and influence you to be one of those unhappy people. Worrying can make you feel unreliable, incapable, and unworthy.

Thus, you are only draining your mental and emotional energy by constantly overthinking about being stuck in an imaginary negative situation and causing yourself so much sense of despair in the present moment.

And sometimes, when those negative feelings become a little out of control, it breeds inner turmoil, tension, dread, anxiety, panic, depression, and just plainly make you feel unhappy. Excessive worrying can also be a symptom of generalized anxiety disorder. Some effective treatments for GAD are therapy, SSRIs, and lifestyle changes.

Dealing With Toxic People

Dealing with toxic people can have a significant impact on your mental health and happiness.

Nature knows that negativity is always contagious. That explains why when you spend time with toxic people, you become unhappy almost instantly. In this particular situation, you become powerless in overcoming your self-defeating behavior.

These people that are weighing you down should stay out of your life circumstances because there’s a tendency that you may fall into the same psychological and problematic behaviors your circle has. Toxic people can influence you to become one of them, and unfortunately, at some point, you can’t notice it from happening.

With this, toxic people take charge of everything about you until you give up control over your life. But you should not let them take your own happiness. Focus on positive things, remove unhappy people, change unhappy habits, and build better physical, mental, and emotional well-being.


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Takeaways On The Causation of Unhappiness

If you have that habit of constantly searching for mistakes and looking at the downside of everything, you are only creating your own unhappiness. You will only focus more on criticizing and downplaying even your best life achievements.

You will hate people and will become more drawn to isolation, making it difficult to find happiness. Therefore, it would help if you use these things on the list as your “not to do” goal to fulfill your genuine happiness. Give yourself a break. Try to work on your list and achieve a happier life and even find a love life. Surround yourself and talk with positive-minded people who can make you feel good.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Is The Main Cause Of Why People Are Unhappy?

The main cause of why people are unhappy varies from person to person, but common factors include holding grudges, not forgiving, and forgetting to be grateful. These negative emotions can disrupt one’s life balance and lead to unhappiness.

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Sadness, According To Russell?

According to Russell’s perspective, some of the most common causes of sadness are related to day-to-day experiences and personal perceptions. These include holding grudges, not forgiving, and excessive worrying, all of which can contribute to feelings of unhappiness.

What Is The Cure For Sadness In People?

There isn’t a single universal cure for sadness, as it can be caused by various factors. However, finding happiness often involves forgiveness, gratitude, and improving your work-life balance. Seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional can also be beneficial.

How Can We Avoid Being Unhappy?

To avoid being unhappy, it’s essential to focus on positive aspects of life and practice forgiveness, gratitude, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Additionally, avoiding toxic people and comparing oneself to others negatively can help in achieving and sustaining life satisfaction.

How Do You Stop Making Yourself Suffer, And What Are The Tips To Prevent It From Persisting?

To stop making yourself suffer, it’s crucial to let go of grudges, practice forgiveness, and cultivate a mindset of gratitude for the simple things in life. Setting boundaries with toxic people and addressing your own negative thought patterns are also effective strategies to prevent suffering from persisting.

How Can I Be Content And Grateful For The Simple Things In Life?

Being content and grateful for the simple things in life involves recognizing the value of everyday experiences and practicing gratitude regularly. Taking time to appreciate small pleasures, like a peaceful moment or a kind gesture, can contribute to greater life satisfaction.

How Do I Let Go Of Pain And Suffering?

Letting go of pain and suffering often requires forgiveness and a conscious effort to focus on positive aspects of life. Seeking professional help, such as therapy, can provide valuable tools and support in managing and eventually overcoming pain and suffering.

How Do You Accept Suffering In Everyday Life?

Accepting suffering in everyday life can be challenging but is essential for personal growth. It involves recognizing that suffering is a part of life and that it can lead to resilience and strength. Developing coping mechanisms and seeking social support can aid in this process.

Why Is Life Full Of Sadness And Suffering?

Life contains both moments of joy and moments of sadness and suffering. These experiences are a natural part of life, and they contribute to personal growth and resilience. Accepting this duality and focusing on cultivating happiness and life satisfaction can help navigate through these challenges.

How Can I Improve My Life Satisfaction?

Improving life satisfaction involves various strategies, including fostering positive relationships, practicing gratitude, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and focusing on personal growth and well-being. Seeking professional guidance and support when needed can also be beneficial in enhancing life satisfaction.