What Women Say Vs. What They Actually Mean


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In a relationship, women often take everything way too far. Sometimes we demand better understanding because we know that our spouses or significant others will probably understand it in some way. Though I admit, it is way complicated than that because men can ultimately take it seriously. So here is a list of what women commonly say vs. what they actually mean.


“I Will Think About It”

No, I won’t. It means I have already decided that’s it’s a NO. Women have this logic that when they say they’ll think about it, it unquestionably means they are not interested in anything that you are offering or asking them.


Source: pixabay.com


“I’m Fine!”

Well, keep asking. I will eventually tell you what’s wrong. It’s a woman’s cryptic language that men should be aware of women’s emotions and that something is bothering them. They plainly need you to look deeper and insist on knowing what they honestly feel.


“Do Whatever You Want”

Better not to do it. If a man takes this phrase seriously, it will cause tons of trouble. It’s the opposite of agreeing on things. It implies that you are not allowed to do it even if they already received a signal.


“I’m Almost Ready”

Now, this one’s common. When women tell their spouses or boyfriends that they’ll be ready in a minute, they can at least do something that will buy their time. It’ll probably take an hour when she says she’ll be all set.


“Does This Make Me Look Fat?”

Please don’t answer maybe or yes. As much as we want an honest opinion, we look forward to the answer of NO. We don’t want our significant others to make us feel that we’re not physically good looking.


Source: pixabay.com


“We Need To Talk”

When a woman asks a man for a conversation, it means that he needs to listen while she talks. His opinions won’t matter, and suggestions are unacceptable. It merely implies that a woman needs to say something and a man should only have to listen.


“What Did You Say?”

I’m not exactly asking. I probably get what you said, and I wanted you to rephrase your statement so we can avoid an argument. Women are considered a game changer so it will be a massive fight if you repeat the upsetting last words you said.


“I’m Not Mad”

Honestly, I am. As much as possible, I would want to tell it straight to your face that you made a mistake and I got offended. However, I want you to personally know what’s wrong and ask for forgiveness even if you don’t have any idea about it.


“I’m Tired”

I’m not physically exhausted; I just want you to leave me alone. Women have this mental capability to turn a situation into something that will favor them. It’s a runoff phrase to get things out of the way.


“Leave Me Alone!”

Don’t you dare leave me! I want you to sit there and watch me while I’m having an emotional breakdown. Women want attention so bad that even if they don’t want you around, you need to see how much they are suffering so you can do something to ease that away.

I’m not generalizing all women with regards to their different responses. However, when men hear these lines, they should at least think twice before doing something out of the ordinary.