How To Comfort A Broken Hearted Friend


Being in a relationship can be fun and exciting, especially if you are too much in love with your partner. It may seem that everything in your life is turning out to be fantastic and near to perfection. Because of this, you probably want to share with the whole world how amazing your relationship is. However, this can be a big problem if someone close to you is in a different situation. Whether you like it or not, you will still feel stressed out the moment you find out that your best friend has a broken heart.

Of course, a big part of you will become interested in finding a way to assist her in this challenging period of her life. Just because you are in a fruitful and growing relationship does not mean that you can just leave your old friend behind. For this reason, it is ideal if you will continue reading the rest of the post so that you will learn more about the top strategies that you can use to help a broken-hearted friend.

Be A Shoulder To Cry On

Shirley Vandersteen, PhD, shares, “With words and touch you have to tell your friend that you care.” One of the things that you must do is to offer your shoulders whenever your friend wants to cry. Avoid being a judgmental person who will keep on forcing her to move on from the broken relationship. You have to understand the fact that her situation is far different from yours. As such, you do not need to keep on forcing her to get over about the breakup immediately. As such, be available whenever she needs someone to talk to.


Be A Good Listener

Another thing that you must always keep in mind is to develop the habit of being a good listener. Whenever your friend starts to open up about her breakup, be sure that you will lend your ears. Avoid saying unnecessary comments that will make her sadder. Instead, make an effort to think twice before you will open your mouth. Failure to do this can make your friend hurt even more. Sometimes, all she needs is someone to discuss her frustrations with. Avoid saying comments or feedbacks about her previous lover.


Go On A Vacation Together

Shainna Ali PhD, LMHC, notes, “In a healthy friendship, you look forward to sharing quality time.” If you are too close with the person who recently got her heartbroken, be sure to consider going on a vacation together. Runaway with your close friend and help her heal her broken heart. Take note that going to a new place together can mean a unique environment for her. She can become exposed to new factors or circumstances that will encourage her to be better. At the same time, it will also provide an opportunity for both of you to realize that the world is a beautiful place to live in. You must know how to find the sources of your happiness, as well as how to keep them all in one place.

Be the best kind of friend that can help a broken-hearted individual become better and feel lesser pain. As what Suzanne Degges-White, PhD, adds, “Friends are the jewels that help us make it through the daily grind of life – the gold among the dross and the wheat from the chaff, to borrow a couple of timeworn similes.” Follow all the things we mentioned in this post.